Furniture Designer and Maker
Sam takes the fine craft skills associated with artisanal fine furniture and applies them to a contemporary design aesthetic. “I like to make beautiful, functional things” says Sam. “I use natural materials – primarily British-grown timber – to make comfortable, lovely objects to live with.”
Finding his early career in industrial design and mass production uninspiring, Sam turned his attention to furniture design and retrained at Water’s and Acland Furniture School. His first piece for Them Outdoors is a dining chair called ‘Kennet’, which he plans to grow into an outdoor dining collection.
“Primarily my furniture tends to be made for indoor use” explains Sam, “but outside of the workshop I’m outdoors as much as possible – helping my partner in our small garden or allotment, or out trail running, or away camping in our van. It’s nice to have the opportunity to make some work that reflects our love for the outdoors.”